National Vaccine Advisory Committee Releases Revised Standards for Adult Immunization Practice

The National Vaccine Advisory Committee’s revised Standards for Adult Immunization Practice were released on September 10, 2013. The NVAC standards recognize the importance of the healthcare provider recommendation for patients to receive needed vaccines, the current low vaccination rates among U.S. adults, and reflect the changed environment within which adult vaccines are now given. The standards were published in the March/April 2014 issue of Public Health Reports.

The National Vaccine Advisory Committee’s revised Standards for Adult Immunization Practice were released on September 10, 2013. The NVAC standards recognize the importance of the healthcare provider recommendation for patients to receive needed vaccines, the current low vaccination rates among U.S. adults, and reflect the changed environment within which adult vaccines are now given. The standards were published in the March/April 2014 issue of Public Health Reports.

New Standards for Adult Immunization Practices

ALL healthcare professionals should take the following steps to ensure that adult patients are fully immunized and have maximum protection from serious diseases.

  1. ASSESS immunization status of all patients in every clinical encounter.
  2. SHARE a strong recommendation for vaccines that patients need.
  3. ADMINISTER needed vaccines or REFER to a provider who can immunize.
  4. DOCUMENT vaccines administered or received by your patients.

These standards were approved by the National Vaccine Advisory Committee in 2013 and are supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as national medical provider associations. For more information and related resources, visit CDC’s new website in support of the Standards.

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